70 years of magnum photos - the international photographic cooperative
The exhibition Open-Mouthed is focused on one of the most expressive parts of the human body – the mouth. With their mouth the objects of the photographs give expression to all human emotions – anger, joy, fear or happiness. This is a black and white retrospective journey through space and time, a journey in which we meet with unpublished images and those taken from different exhibitions.

Cristina Garcia Rodero is a graduated artist from one of the oldest universities in the world – the University Complutense in Madrid. Afterwards in turn, she passes on her knowledge and her experience in various art schools. While teaching, Christina is involved with photography – capturing various religious and pagan customs in Spain, all of which culminated in the book España Oculta, winner of the Book the Year award from the Festival in Arles. Over the years, Garcia Rodero expands searches of specific rituals and cultural traditions throughout the world. Her works take part in prestigious festivals and solo or group exhibitions. Cristina Garcia Rodero is one of the most respected documentary photographers in Spain and the first Spanish woman who became a full member of Magnum photographic team. Her first project in Bulgaria (together with FotoFabrika) was dedicated to the kukeri in Pernik.
15.06 - 23.07
1, Alexander I square
working hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday: 10.00 – 18.00; Thursday and Saturday: 12.00 – 20.00