Photo talks
Meet Cristina Garsia Rodero
Cristina García Rodero dares to go where few have gone before. Only to capture human beings the way they are: primitive and majestic; between the heavens and earth, between life and death...
You won’t notice her in the street. Nor will she notice you. Unless she’s holding a camera. Then she becomes invisible. It’s as if she merges with the energy field of those who are in the focus of her lens and begins to breathe like them, to feel like them, to be them.
This is Cristina García Rodero, the first Spanish photographer to become a member of Magnum, the prestigious international photojournalists’ agency that represents the world’s best photographers.
Her photos capture human beings in all their states: in trance, sorrow, elation and humility; between the heavens and earth, between life and death.
She believes her success is due to her freedom to take risks and to her unconditional respect for the people she photographs.
Cristina García Rodero was born in 1949. She studied Painting at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, where she went on to work as a teacher at the Faculty of Fine Arts.
One of her next projects is to photograph the Kukeri ritual in Bulgaria.

24.09, 18:30
1 Knyaz Alexander I Sq